Monday 2 June 2014

Jaegers prusianos/Prussian Jaegers

Jaegers prusianos/Prussian Jaegers

Por lo que sé, las primeras tropas ligeras prusianas ataviadas con uniformes verde oscuro aparecieron en el reinado de Federico el Grande. Hagamos un repaso a los célebres jaegers (cazadores) durante las últimas campañas napoleónicas, y durante la época de Bismarck.

As far as I know, the first prussian light troops attired with dark green jackets appeared during Frederick the Great reign. Let´s take a look to the celebrated jaegers of the later Napoleonic campaigns, and during Bismarck´s Age.

Aquí tenemos unos jaegers del Batallón de Jaegers de Prusia Oriental, 1813. Here are some jaegers from the East Prussia Jaeger batalion, 1813:

A continuación, miembros del Batallón de Jaegers Guardias, 1813. Here we have some members of the Guards Jaeger Batalion, 1813.  Notice the yellow lace on cuffs and collar. Calpe Miniatures:


Tropas de un batallón de jaegers en 1866. Troops from a Jaeger batalion in 1866. North Star miniatures 1866 range:


  1. Very nice a clean painting style you have. Beautiful Jäger unit, and good choice of minis on the NorthStar range. Apparently the range was recently sold to a new mysterious owner yet to be announced. I will follow your blog and work with great interest!
